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Formwork Stopends

Shuttering elements are indispensable tools for modern construction. They offer an efficient and cost-effective way to carry out construction work smoothly and precisely. The high-quality shuttering elements are characterized by their outstanding robustness and guarantee a long service life, even under demanding conditions. Whether for small renovations or large construction projects – our formwork panels always provide you with a reliable solution.

The versatility of our shuttering elements makes it possible to customize them to your specific needs. They adapt easily to different shapes and requirements, simplifying the construction process and saving time at the same time. This allows you to ensure that all construction work is carried out precisely and to the highest quality standards.

Thanks to their easy handling and quick assembly, our shuttering elements ensure that your construction project progresses quickly and delays are minimized. The combination of stability, flexibility and ease of use makes our formwork panels the perfect choice for any construction project.

Shuttering elements help to keep construction projects efficient and on schedule. They offer a reliable solution that saves time and simplifies the construction process. If you would like to find out more about the properties and benefits of these elements, you can talk to one of our experts.

Expanded metal - LinkFix - Profiled, for shuttering construction joints

DesignationPackagingArt. No.Weight
Thickness 0.75 mm
Dimensions 240 x 80 cm
Pallet of 100 pieces = 192 m²120863Pallet 520 kg
m² approx. 2.7 kg

Expanded metal - High ribbed - Lost formwork

DesignationPackagingArt. No.Weight
Thickness 0.4 mm, galvanized
Dim. 200 x 45 cm, rib height 21 mm
Identification color: blue
Pallet of 100 pieces = 90 m²17542Pallet 306 kg
m² approx. 3.4 kg

Expanded metal - Flat ribbed - Lost formwork / plaster base

DesignationPackagingArt. No.Weight
Thickness 0.25 mm, galvanized
Dim. 250 x 60 cm = 1.5 m²
Rib height approx. 4 mm
Identification color: yellow
Pack of 20 sheets = 30 m²13295 (single)
1830 (bundle)
approx. 24 kg pack
0.8 kg / m²

Mastertec DICHTBLECH shuttering elements ABS serrated coated on both sides

Standard type S
Reinforced type V
DesignationInstallation dimension (expanded metal width)Length Type S =Art. No. (standard braced) Weight/pieceArt. No.(reinforced version)Weight/piece
ABS 160 toothed up to 160 mm 2,5 m 070362 5.60 kg 070362V 8.55 kg
ABS 200 toothed 170 mm - 200 mm 2,5 m 070364 6.00 kg 070364V 9.20 kg
ABS 250 toothed 210 mm - 250 mm 2,5 m 070366 6.45 kg 070366V 10.00 kg
ABS 300 toothed 260 mm - 300 mm 2,5 m 070368 7.00 kg 070368V 10.90 kg
ABS 400 toothed 310 mm - 400 mm 2,5 m 070370 8.00 kg 070370V 12.65 kg
ABS 500 toothed 410 mm - 500 mm 2,5 m 070372 9.70 kg 070372V 15.00 kg
ABS 600 toothed 510 mm - 600 mm 2,5 m 070374 10.30 kg 070374V 16.35 kg
ABS 700 toothed 610 - 700 mm 2,5 m 070376 10, 95 kg 070376V 17.65 kg
ABS 800 toothed 710 - 800 mm 2,5 m 070378 12,65 070362V 20.05 kg
ABS 900 toothed 810 - 900 mm 2,5 m 070380 13.25 kg 070380V 21.35 kg
ABS 1000 toothed 910 - 1000 mm 2,5 m 070382 13.90 kg 070382V 22.70 kg

Mastertec DICHTBLECH shuttering elements ABS rough coated on both sides

Standard type S
Reinforced type V
DesignationInstallation dimension Expanded metal widthlengthType S = Standard (stiffened)Type V = Reinforced version
ABS 130up to 130 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
0702815,15 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070281V7,80 kg
ABS 160140 - 160 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
0702825,40 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070282V8,30 kg
ABS 200170 - 200 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
0702845,75 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070284V8,95 kg
ABS 250210 - 250 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
0702876,15 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070287V9,70 kg
ABS 300260 - 300 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
0702896,60 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070289V10,50 kg
ABS 400310 - 400 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
0702917,50 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070291V12,15 kg
ABS 500410 - 500 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
0702939,05 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070293V14,40 kg
ABS 600510 - 600 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
0702959,55 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070295V15,60 kg
ABS 700610 - 700 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
07029710,05 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070297V16,80 kg
ABS 800710 - 800 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
07029911,60 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070299V19,05 kg
ABS 900810 - 900 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
07030112,10 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070301V20,25 kg
ABS 1000910 - 1000 mm2,5 m
Item no.Weight / pc.
07030312,60 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070303V21,45 kg

DICHTBLECH ABS deflection profiles (ULP) toothed

Standard type S
Reinforced type V
DesignationInstallation dimension Expanded metal widthType S = Standard (stiffened)Type V = Reinforced version
ULP 160 toothedup to 160 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703872,05 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070387V2,65 kg
ULP 200 toothed170 - 200 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
Item no.Weight / pc.
070389V2,85 kg
ULP 250 toothed210 - 250 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703912,30 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070391V3,15 kg
ULP 300 toothed260 - 300 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703932,80 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070393V3,90 kg
ULP 400 toothed310 - 400 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703953,20 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070395V4,60 kg
ULP 500 toothed410 - 500 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703973,80 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070397V5,55 kg
ULP 600 toothed510 - 600 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703994,05 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070399V6,15 kg
ULP 700 toothed610 - 700 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
Item no.Weight / pc.
ULP 800 toothed710 - 800 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0704034,90 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070403V7,70 kg
ULP 900 toothed810 - 900 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0704055,15 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
ULP 1000 toothed910 - 1000 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0704075,40 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070407V8,90 kg

DICHTBLECH ABS deflection profiles (ULP) rough

Standard type S
Reinforced type V
DesignationInstallation dimension Expanded metal widthType S = Standard (stiffened)Type V = Reinforced version
ULP 130 roughup to 130 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703301,90 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070330V2,35 kg
ULP 160 rough140 - 160 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703331,95 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070333V2,55 kg
ULP 200 rough170 - 200 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703362,05 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070336V2,75 kg
ULP 250 rough210 - 250 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703392,15 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070339V3,05 kg
ULP 300 rough260 - 300 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703422,70 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070342V3,75 kg
ULP 400 rough310 - 400 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703453,05 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070345V4,45 kg
ULP 500 rough410 - 500 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703473,60 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070347V5,40 kg
ULP 600 rough510 - 600 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703493,85 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070349V5,95 kg
ULP 700 rough610 - 700 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703514,05 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070351V6,50 kg
ULP 800 rough710 - 800 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0703534,60 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070353V7,40 kg
ULP 900 rough810 - 900 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
Item no.Weight / pc.
070355V8,00 kg
ULP 1000 rough910 - 1000 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
Item no.Weight / pc.
070357V8,55 kg

Corner profile (EP) serrated and rough

Standard type S
Reinforced type V
DesignationInstallation dimension Expanded metal widthType S = Standard (stiffened)Type V = Reinforced version
EP 160 toothedup to 160 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707402,40 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070740V3,60 kg
EP 200 toothed170 - 200 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707422,60 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070742V3,90 kg
EP 250 toothed210 - 250 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707442,75 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070744V4,30 kg
EP 300 toothed260 - 300 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707463,00 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070746V4,70 kg
EP 400 toothed310 - 400 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707483,45 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070748V5,50 kg
EP 500 toothed410 - 500 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707504,25 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070750V6,65 kg
EP 600 toothed510 - 600 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707524,50 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070752V7,25 kg
EP 700 toothed610 - 700 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707544,70 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070754V7,80 kg
EP 800 toothed710 - 800 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707565,50 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070756V8,95 kg
EP 900 toothed810 - 900 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707585,75 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070758V9,55 kg
EP 1000 toothed910 - 1000 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707605,95 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070760V10,10 kg
DesignationInstallation dimension Expanded metal widthType S = Standard (stiffened)Type V = Reinforced version
EP 130 roughup to 130 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707002,20 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070700V3,30 kg
EP 160 rough140 - 160 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707022,35 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070702V3,55 kg
EP 200 rough170 - 200 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707042,50 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070704V3,85 kg
EP 250 rough210 - 250 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707062,65 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070706V4,15 kg
EP 300 rough260 - 300 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707082,85 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070708V4,55 kg
EP 400 rough310 - 400 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707103,25 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070710V5,30 kg
EP 500 rough410 - 500 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707124,05 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070712V6,45 kg
EP 600 rough510 - 600 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707144,20 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070714V6,95 kg
EP 700 rough610 - 700 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707164,40 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070716V7,50 kg
EP 800 rough710 - 800 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707185,15 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070718V8,60 kg
EP 900 rough810 - 900 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707205,35 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070720V9,15 kg
EP 1000 rough910 - 1000 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707225,50 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070722V9,70 kg

Sealing sheet ABS T-profile (TP) serrated and rough

Standard type S (braced and toothed)
Type V reinforced and toothed
Standard type S (stiffened and rough)
Type V reinforced and rough
DesignationInstallation dimension Expanded metal widthType S = Standard (stiffened)Type V = Reinforced version
EP 160 toothedup to 160 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707402,40 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070740V3,60 kg
EP 200 toothed170 - 200 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707422,60 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070742V3,90 kg
EP 250 toothed210 - 250 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707442,75 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070744V4,30 kg
EP 300 toothed260 - 300 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707463,00 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070746V4,70 kg
EP 400 toothed310 - 400 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707483,45 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070748V5,50 kg
EP 500 toothed410 - 500 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707504,25 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070750V6,65 kg
EP 600 toothed510 - 600 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707524,50 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070752V7,25 kg
EP 700 toothed610 - 700 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707544,70 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070754V7,80 kg
EP 800 toothed710 - 800 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707565,50 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070756V8,95 kg
EP 900 toothed810 - 900 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707585,75 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070758V9,55 kg
EP 1000 toothed910 - 1000 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0707605,95 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070760V10,10 kg
DesignationInstallation dimension Expanded metal widthType S = Standard (stiffened)Type V = Reinforced version
TP 130 roughup to 130 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708003,10 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070800V4,65 kg
TP 160 rough140 - 160 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708023,30 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070802V5,00 kg
TP 200 rough170 - 200 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708043,50 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070804V5,45 kg
TP 250 rough210 - 250 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708063,75 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070806V5,95 kg
TP 300 rough260 - 300 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708084,00 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070808V6,50 kg
TP 400 rough310 - 400 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708104,60 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070810V7,60 kg
TP 500 rough410 - 500 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708125,65 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070812V9,20 kg
TP 600 rough510 - 600 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708145,95 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070814V10,00 kg
TP 700 rough610 - 700 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708166,20 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070816V10,80 kg
TP 800 rough710 - 800 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708187,25 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070818V12,40 kg
TP 900 rough810 - 900 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708207,55 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070820V13,20 kg
TP 1000 rough910 - 1000 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708227,80 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070822V13,95 kg

Sealing sheet ABS cross profile (KP) serrated and rough

Standard type S (braced and toothed)
Type V reinforced and toothed
Standard type S (stiffened and rough)
Type V reinforced and rough
DesignationInstallation dimension Expanded metal widthType S = Standard (stiffened) Type V = Reinforced version (toothed)
KP 160 toothedup to 160 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708784,45 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070878V6,85 kg
KP 200 toothed170 - 200 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708804,75 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070880V7,45 kg
KP 250 toothed210 - 250 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708825,10 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070882V8,15 kg
KP 300 toothed260 - 300 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708845,55 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070884V8,95 kg
KP 400 toothed310 - 400 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708866,40 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070886V10,50 kg
KP 500 toothed410 - 500 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708887,90 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070888V12,70 kg
KP 600 toothed510 - 600 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708908,35 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070890V13,85 kg
KP 700 toothed610 - 700 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708928,80 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070892V15,00 kg
KP 800 toothed710 - 800 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
07089410,30 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070894V17,20 kg
KP 900 toothed810 - 900 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
07089610,75 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070896V18,35 kg
KP 1000 toothed910 - 1000 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
07089811,20 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070898V19,55 kg
DesignationInstallation dimension Expanded metal widthType S = Standard (stiffened)Type V = Reinforced version
TP 130 roughup to 130 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708003,10 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070800V4,65 kg
TP 160 rough140 - 160 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708023,30 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070802V5,00 kg
TP 200 rough170 - 200 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708043,50 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070804V5,45 kg
TP 250 rough210 - 250 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708063,75 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070806V5,95 kg
TP 300 rough260 - 300 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708084,00 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070808V6,50 kg
TP 400 rough310 - 400 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708104,60 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070810V7,60 kg
TP 500 rough410 - 500 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708125,65 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070812V9,20 kg
TP 600 rough510 - 600 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708145,95 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070814V10,00 kg
TP 700 rough610 - 700 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708166,20 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070816V10,80 kg
TP 800 rough710 - 800 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708187,25 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070818V12,40 kg
TP 900 rough810 - 900 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708207,55 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070820V13,20 kg
TP 1000 rough910 - 1000 mm
Item no.Weight / pc.
0708227,80 kg
Item no.Weight / pc.
070822V13,95 kg
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